植株生长势强,分枝多,蔓粗,间节长,叶呈鸡心形,深绿色第一雌花着生于第15节左右,瓜条长锤形,头小尾巴大,种子少,瓜长30厘米左右,单瓜重约2-3公斤,瓜皮橙黄色,成熟有白粉,肉厚呈橘红色,肉质甘甜、细嫩、爽口、水份少,品质佳、商品性极好,全生长期90-110天,亩产2000-2500公斤,产量高,抗病性、耐贮运性强,是国内南瓜品种中的最优品种之一。Description:This is new med-early variety developed by ONEKING SEED CO。,LTD。85 days from planting to harvest,plant grow on ground with out pole,green leaf,2.8kg each in average fruit with orange-red,sweet and thick flesh。The first fruit set at 18-25 leaf position on stem or 15-20 leaf position on the first or second level branch。Very long shelf life,fruit can be stored about 60 days after harvest,so farmers can wait the best price for their。Good shipper。
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